This term the group will explore the question 'what is science journalism?'.
We will meet fortnightly on Mondays 16th and 30th October, and 13th and 27th November, from 7.30-9pm, in the upstairs seminar room of Darwin College. All welcome!
For the first session we will be discussing contemporary science journalism, alongside the 'Science and the Media' section of the Government Select Committee on Science and Technology's third report. This is available here.
If you're thinking of attending then please bring along a few cuttings from recent newspapers or magazines to help with our discussion. For example, you might want to browse the New Scientist, Guardian, Times, Telegraph, Independent, or BBC websites for some ideas.
In following sessions we will go back in time to see how the aims and problems of communication have been addressed in previous centuries, including the writings of J.G. Crowther, the nineteenth century periodical press, and earlier broadsides. A selection of these texts will be available in the Whipple library from the beginning of term for reading and photocopying, and once again feel free to bring your own examples.
We look forward to seeing you soon!