Saturday, December 03, 2016

Conference - 'After Idealism: Sound as Matter and Medium in the 19 Century'

17-18 March 2017, University of Cambridge

Conference details, registration & full programme:

This conference aims to enlarge substantially our understanding of the dialogue between 19th-century music and natural science, examining in particular how a scientific-materialist conception of sound was formed alongside a dominant culture of romantic idealism. It takes as its subject sound as matter and medium, focusing on the domains of natural science, emergent technologies, sentient communication and acoustics.

Speakers include:
  • Carolyn Abbate (Harvard / musicology)
  • Nikita Braguinski (Humboldt Universität / media theory)
  • Melissa van Drie (Cambridge / theatre studies)
  • Edward Gillin (Cambridge / history of architecture)
  • Alexandra Hui (Mississippi / history and philosophy of science)
  • Sybille Krämer (Freie Universität / media philosophy)
  • Melle Kromhout (Amsterdam / musicology)
  • Julia Kursell (Amsterdam / musicology)
  • Roger Moseley (Cornell / musicology)
  • Peter Pesic (Santa Fe / history and philosophy of science)
  • John Durham Peters (Iowa / communication studies)
  • Alexander Rehding (Harvard / music theory)
  • Milla Tiainen (Helsinki / musicology)
  • Viktoria Tkaczyk (Max Planck, Berlin / history and philosophy of science)
  • David Trippett (Cambridge / musicology)

Registration is now open via the conference site (£40 full fee -- £15 student or unwaged)

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