Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Narrative Science - website and seminar series

The Narrative Science project is very pleased to announce the launch of its website, and the start of a seminar series that will run in London throughout the rest of 2018 and to the end of summer in 2019. The website, which contains further information about the project and an introduction to its central ideas, can be found here.

Seminar series- Term 1

Each seminar will include two speakers. They will take place between 17:00 and 19:00 on the LSE campus in London, building KSW and room G.01. The KSW building can be found on this map, just on Kingsway road.

  • Sally Atkinson (University of Exeter) Fragile cultures and unruly matters: narrating microbial lives in synthetic biology knowledge practices
  • Elisa Vecchione (Group of Pragmatic and Reflexive Sociology, EHESS, Paris) The political necessity of a more poetic science: the case of climate-economic narratives


  • Julia Sánchez-Dorado (UCL) and Claudia Cristalli (UCL) Colligation in model analysis: from Whewell’s tides to the San Francisco Bay Model
  • Veronika Lipphardt (University College Freiburg) TBA


  • Caitlin Donahue Wylie (University of Virginia) Narrating Disaster: A Method of Socialization in Engineering Laboratories
  • Sigrid Leyssen (University of Bucharest) TBA


  • Lukas Engelman (University of Edinburgh) Epidemiology as Narrative Science: Outbreak reports of the third plague pandemic from 1894 to 1952
  • Sabine Baier (LSE and ETH Zürich) TBA

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