Monday, July 08, 2019

Cavendish film screening


The Cavendish Research Staff Committee presents:

Free screening of the Award-Winning Film:


Along with a discussion with expert panelists:

Dr Maurice Chiodo - Centre for Mathematical Sciences 
Dr Jennifer Cobbe - Cambridge University's Trust & Technology Initiative
Dr Kanta Dihal - Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Friday, July 12th, 18.30
Small Lecture Theater, Cavendish Laboratory 

This is the first event in a series which will address topics concerning ethics in science and how new technologies might impact society.

On our opening event, we will start by trying to tackle some of the more general and thorny questions such as: "Is it the scientists' responsibility to consider the ethical implications of their work?", "Have scientific progress and technological developments failed us?", and "How do we decide what is good for society?"

We will explore these questions with the help of guest panelists, the screening of the Award-winning docufilm Three Identical Strangers by DogWoof productions, and interactive audience participation.

Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free food will be provided. Please email us at if you have any other dietary restrictions.

Guests and family members are welcome!
You are encouraged to register for the event here

The Cavendish Laboratory Research Staff Committee

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